Support the research projects of our brightest postdoctoral researchers through a Rising Star Award ($20,000-$50,000) or a Rising Star Fellowship ($125,000pa. 3-5y).

Early career researchers are the engines that drive discovery research. They strive every day to deliver science with purpose, aiming to turn science fiction into science fact.

Only a small percentage of early-mid career researchers in Australia receive support from the Federal Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council.

Young researchers without their own funding are usually offered shorter-term contracts, creating financial uncertainty that contributes to the attrition of a whole generation of highly trained scientists to other sectors.

Every time a highly skilled medical researcher is unable to continue their research, more than 20 years of past training expertise is lost.

Losing 300 early- to mid-career researchers would see Australia lose the equivalent of 6,000 years of past investment in medical research training. The loss of these researchers would set back Australian medical research decades, delaying the development of new treatments for devastating diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and coronary disease.

If you are interested in supporting our Rising Stars program, contact the SVI Foundation: or (03) 9231 2480.


Meet our Rising Stars

Find out more about the Rising Star program