Medical researchers often require human biological samples to help progress their work. High-quality samples can be difficult to access, because of the need for live cells or specialised storage. The SVI Biobank stores human specimens – such as PBMCs (human peripheral blood mononuclear cells), whole blood, plasma, serum and tissue – for any disease type.

Established in 2015 with the support of the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust (HMSTrust), the Biobank has now collected in excess of 34,000 specimens from more than 1,200 participants.

The SVI Biobank can store samples for any disease type; we currently store diabetes, cancer, hepatitis, HIV, and HTLV samples.

The SVI Biobank is managed by and housed at the National Serology Reference Laboratory (NRL, a division of SVI) on the
St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne campus.

What we offer

  • End-to-end service
    Safe storage and access