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Mechanisms of Regulatory T cell action in Type 1 Diabetes

Lab: Immunology

Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Sutherland

Diseases focus: Immunology

Understanding the functions of IL-17 family receptors in type 1 diabetes

Lab: Immunology

Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Sutherland

Diseases focus: Immunology

Recurrence of type 1 diabetes in transplanted autologous beta cells

Lab: Islet Biology

Supervisor(s): Professor Helen Thomas Professor Tom Kay

Diseases focus: Immunology

Understanding the molecular basis of response to JAK inhibitors in type 1 diabetes

Lab: Islet Biology

Supervisor(s): Professor Helen Thomas Professor Tom Kay

Diseases focus: Immunology

Dr Chris Langendorf

Diseases focus: Immunology

Dr Gaurang Jhala

Diseases focus: Immunology