Bone mass decreases with ageing, leading to increased risk of fractures in the elderly. Bone material quality (e.g. the composition of bone, and its distribution in the skeleton) also changes with age, but whether this is caused by gradual deterioration over time, or by defective production of bone in older people is not known. This project will assess whether newly formed bon, made by older men and women has poor composition, using confocal microscopy, back-scattered electron microscopy, and computer based image analysis of the osteocyte network.

Supervised by

Natalie Sims
Natalie Sims

Head, Bone Cell Biology & Disease Laboratory

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[email protected]

+61 3 9231 2480

Available for Student Supervision

Haniyeh Hemmatian

Postdoctoral Research Officer, Bone Cell Biology & Disease

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[email protected]

+61 3 9231 2436

Available for Student Supervision