Posted 20 March 2025

Leading research into understanding the underlying causes of bone-loss related diseases has been bolstered with the support of a new Rising Star Fellowship.
Dr Haniyeh Hemmatian of the Bone Cell Biology and Disease laboratory has been awarded a fellowship that will support her salary for a three-year period, totalling $125,000 annually.
The generous donation by Helen and Michael Gannon will see our knowledge of the bone microstructure greatly expanded and used to help prevent or slow down the progression of diseases such as osteoporosis and bone metastases.
Professor Natalie Sims, head of the Bone Cell Biology and Disease Laboratory, said:
“Haniyeh’s work uses cutting-edge methods she developed since arriving at SVI last year. She will use them to answer a fundamental question about why older people are more susceptible to osteoporosis, and whether it is because their bone has a weaker molecular structure and less responsive cellular network.”
The Rising Star program supports the research of some of our most promising postdoctoral researchers through awards or fellowships. This program provides valuable assurance to researchers, allowing them to concentrate their efforts on discovering the next cure for debilitating diseases without being concerned about financial uncertainty.
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