I am a Research Officer in SVI’s DNA Repair & Recombination laboratory, with a background in molecular biology and a passion for understanding how our genomes are maintained and regulated. My research interests are in understanding the mechanisms involved in maintaining genomic stability, particularly during sperm and oocyte development in mammals.

The accurate repair of DNA is critical for maintaining genomic stability. It is therefore not surprising that a compromise in DNA repair mechanisms is a common hallmark of cancers and infertility. My research focuses on uncovering how these repair pathways function in mammals, particularly within the context of meiosis (the cellular pathway used to generate eggs and sperm). To achieve these outcomes, I leverage a variety of cutting-edge techniques, including single-cell sequencing and high-resolution microscopy, as well as various molecular assays.

The ultimate goal of my research is to elucidate the role of repair pathways in meiosis and identify novel interactors critical to maintaining genomic stability in both sperm and eggs. This could result in the identification of novel biomarkers for cancer and infertility.

I obtained my PhD from Monash University where I utilised the model organism C. elegans to investigate the role of the atypical kinase RIOK-1 in development and fertility. In 2020, I moved to SVI, joining the DNA Repair & Recombination laboratory to develop novel single-cell tools to assay genome structure and investigate the impact of the genomic instability syndrome, Fanconi anaemia, on fertility.

Selected publications

Novakovic S; Tsui, V; Semple, T; Martelotto, L; McCarthy, D.J.; Crismani W. SSNIP-seq: A simple and rapid method for isolation of single-sperm nucleic acid for high-throughput sequencing. PLoS ONE, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0275168

Novakovic, S; Molesworth, LW; Gourley, TE; Boag PR; Davis GM. Zinc transporters maintain longevity by influencing insulin/IGF‐1 activity in Caenorhabditis elegans. FEBS Letters, 10.1002/1873-3468.13725

Koch, B.; Tucey, T.M.; Lo, T.L.; Novakovic, S.; Boag, P.; Traven, A. The mitochondrial GTPase Gem1 contributes to the cell wall stress response and invasive growth of Candida albicans. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02555

Mendes, T.K*; Novakovic, S*.; Raymant, G.; Bertram, S.E.; Esmaillie, R.; Nadarajan, S.; Breugelmans, B.; Hofmann, A.; Gasser, R.B.; Colaiácovo, M.P; Boag, P.R. Investigating the role of RIO protein kinases in caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0117444

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DNA Repair & Recombination

Our vision is to translate basic knowledge of DNA repair pathways to treatments for cancer, bone marrow failure syndromes, and infertility.

Lab head: Associate Professor Wayne Crismani

View lab profile